Get to know us
Finding the right employee is like finding a new currency, someone to support your corporate performance and facilitate valuable developments. That's why AVANTGARDE Experts employees are not easy to find.
We have all kinds of academic and vocational backgrounds, and network these to exploit our potential to the full. Our promotional film provides a brief insight into our everyday routine.
Want to know more?
- Suitable flair: Want to find out what kind of an employer we are?
- Questions, queries, enquiries: Are high priorities for us
Fully authentic, with a difference:
Then and now
You might expect our company history to take the form of a timeline with images. Since we were a little camera-shy in the early days, we have summarised the key numbers for you in a short retrospective, with selected highlights of our corporate story.
Our CEO Philipp Riedel, who has been with AVANTGARDE Experts since day one, sums up our origins and where we stand today:
“Since our founding, development has been fantastic, with incredible levels of growth. Throughout, we have retained our own essential character, which I like to call 'agency-like' and unconventional. Taken together with our passion for innovation and our development of new approaches to recruiting, AVANTGARDE Experts really is something special. I am proud of our colleagues, candidates and clients, and am happy to be part of such a great organisation!”